Sam Sherborne - Artist Blacksmith

Sculpture - Street Art Memorials - My Father's Kitchen - Archive - Media - Studios - Contact

Images from Still Life in My Father's Kitchen (2003)

The installation is a portrait of my dad. It has several elements.

A soundtrack made from a cassette tape I found after his death. It dates from the 1970s. He would listen to Radio 2 late into the night and record music he liked as it came on the radio. In the background the recordings capture him sighing, turning pages, typing, singing and lighting cigarettes. You can hear the bench he is sitting on creek as he moves about.

A bench, table and typewriter. The people who enter the installation are invited to sit on the same bench audible in the tape and type their experience of the installation and about their own fathers.

Wall sculptures depicting my father's talismanic objects 'drawn' in forged steel and inlayed or burnt into wood- beer mug, ashtray and typewriter. The smell of burnt wood made you feel you could smell the cigarettes he is audibly lighting on the tape.

Interactive sculpture. An arch made of blocks with steel shapes that help key the structure together. These shapes are made in the shape of objects I associate with my dad. It usually takes two to assemble the arch.

Beer Tankard

Beer Tankard

Beer Tankard



